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3-layer mask

One of the newest masks on every one's mind nowadays is a 3-layer mask, similar to the Meditech's product like Glass Filter Funnel. You must have seen other people having them in stores or at school. Your parents may have even told you every time when going outside to put one on. The 3-layer mask is you have heard about it lately, but what do they mean and why are we asked to wear a three layer mask? So I decided to take a better look together. 

The 3-layer mask is so important, it keeps all of us clean from any germs. The stuff small and causes illness as germs. Currently, there is a virus infection going on which is considered to be another smaller type of germ. If we wear a 3-layer mask then it prevents us from getting the virus and prevent spreading these same viruses further. It is because we wish to be healthy for our family and loved ones

Why the 3-Layer Mask is Critical

3-Layer Mask: The 3-layer mask, as the name suggest has three different layers, also the Surgical suture made by Meditech. There is a special function of each layer. It also has a layer for water to roll off super nice when it gets rainy. Commonly created with polyester, this layer. The second or the medium one is highly crucial in checking germs out. Typically, this layer is formed by cotton or any other type of material able to retain the harmful microorganisms that prevent them from entering jointly. And lastly, the inner layer feels soft and pleasant to wear. It is often cotton as well so it feels soft against your skin. 

Now, moving on to the middle layer. The key factor in the mask, meant to act as a filter since it prevents germs from passing. This way, the mask consists of tightly woven material that can trap pathogens and prevent them from entering. One should be able to take in air while wearing the mask, so this layer is very important that it must not excrete poisonous fumes;

Why choose Meditech 3-layer mask?

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